Regidice wurde geboren, als Luke Badger versehentlich Regidice anstelle von Regicide tippte. 24 Stunden später hatte Paul Abrahams das würfelbasierte Monster kreiert, das du vor dir siehst. Regidice wurde am 1. April 2021 angekündigt ... Ja, am 1. April.
Regidice ist ein kooperatives Spiel, bei dem 1 bis 4 Spieler zusammenarbeiten, um drei mächtige Feinde zu besiegen.
Die Spieler würfeln reihum, wählen Aktionen und greifen die drei Feinde an, die durch schwarze Würfel dargestellt werden. Sobald genug Schaden angerichtet wurde, ist ein Feind besiegt. Die Spieler gewinnen, wenn der letzte Feind besiegt ist.
Aber Vorsicht! In jeder Runde schlägt der Feind zurück. Die Spieler geben Würfel ab, um den Schaden zu auszugleichen, und wenn sie nicht genug abgeben können, verlieren alle!
Spielerzahl: 1 - 4
Spieldauer: 26 mn
Komplexität: 2 / 5
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Defeat 3 enemies made up of 3 then 4 then 5 dice respectively. Co-Operative Play.
Simultaneously, all players roll their dice secretly for the round. The pips are secret, but the colours may be declared when asked.
You then have the choice of 5 actions:
You can take the same action as another player, but NOT at the same value.
After which all dice are revealed and players take all dice from every player whose value matches the value they requested. e.g. if you request 3's, you get yours and all other players' 3's
If at the end of the Action Phase the enemy is defeated, Suffer Phase is skipped and the enemy is moved into the players' dice pool
For each set of dice you hold which equals the pips on the enemy dice cause 1 damage. e.g. if enemy dice are 1 1 1, every 3 pips of yours causes 1 damage. The enemy pips are counted at the start, so if multiple players are attacking, in this example it will be 3 pips per 1 damage for everyone, regardless of order.
Sets of 3 of a kind block one damage +1 per extra dice. e.g. a set of 3 4's blocks 1 damage, a set of 5 2's blocks 1+2 3 damage
3 consecutive values heal 1 dice from the injured pool +1 per extra dice. e.g. a run of 4 5 6 heal 1 dice, a set of 1 2 3 4 5 heals 1+2 3 dice
Using a single colour of your choice, match with the pips of the enemy dice to cast a spell based on colour used. e.g. if enemy dice are 1 1 1, you need three 1's, if enemy dice are 3 3 4, you need 2 3's and a 4
Red Spell - Deal 1 damage per dice used
Yellow Spell - Heal 1 dice per dice used
Blue Spell - Block 1 damage per dice used (Guaranteed complete block)
Black Spell - Insta-kill the enemy (Only physically possible on final enemy, as only then would you have 7 dice of 5 required)
Use 1's to do a +1 to another player's dice, with multiple 1's you can do this multiple times e.g. 2 1's would give you a +2 or 2 separate +1's
Suffer Phase
After all players have taken their turn, the enemy fights back dealing their attack value to the group
The enemy first tries to target Blocking players, then targets Attacking players, then targets Casting players, then targets Healing players, then finally targets Animal players
If you have blocked, this reduces the attack you'll receive
If you haven't blocked, or your block isn't sufficient, you'll lose dice equal to the difference
If the target player cannot lose enough dice required, the team loses.
There is no Suffer Phase if an enemy was just defeated during Action Phase.
Prepare Phase
If all players are still standing, each has the option to pass dice on to their left neighbour from those dice not used for their action. These dice are locked in place i.e. not re-rolled
Enemy 1 has 18 health, 3 attack, 3-18 defence
Enemy 2 has 24 health, 4 attack, 4-24 defence
Enemy 3 has 30 health, 5 attack, 5-30 defence
The defence is equal to the pips currently showing, so the more you attack it the more defensive it becomes
When an enemy is defeated, the black dice go into injured pile, however if you dealt any extra overkill damage, the dice go directly into that player's dice pool.