Lines of Action
Lines of Action ist ein einfaches Spiel, das ein Spielbrett und Spielsteine verwendet. Die Regeln wurden in Sid Sackson's A Gamut of Games veröffentlicht. Es gibt aber auch einige kommerzielle Versionen. Das Ziel von LoA ist es, alle Spielsteine in eine einzige zusammenhängende Gruppe zu bringen. Eine Gruppe von Spielsteinen ist verbunden, wenn sie eine ununterbrochene Kette von benachbarten Feldern horizontal, vertikal oder diagonal einnimmt.
Spielerzahl: 2
Spieldauer: 7 mn
Komplexität: 3 / 5
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For tips on how to play Lines of Action, see Tips_LinesOfAction
The object of the game is to connect all of one's pieces together into a contiguous body so that they are connected vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Here is an example winning move.
- Players alternate moves, with Red having the first move.
- Pieces move in a line horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.
- A piece moves exactly as many spaces as there are pieces (both friendly and enemy) on the line in which it is moving.
A piece may not jump over an enemy piece
White cannot play a6-d6, even though there are three pieces in row 6. White might instead play a6-c4, moving two spaces because there are two pieces in the diagonal (a6-f1).
A piece may jump over friendly pieces
Red may continue with e8-b5, jumping their own piece. It moves three spaces because there are three pieces in the diagonal (a4-e8).
A player who is reduced to a single piece wins the game, because their pieces are by definition united.
If a move results, due to a capture, in each player having all their pieces in a contiguous body, then either the player moving wins, or the game is a draw, depending on the rules in force.