Cookie Addict!
Übernimm die Rolle zweier schamloser kleiner Lebewesen in ihrem turbulenten Wettbewerb um das Klauen von Keksen. Bleib wachsam! Es gibt Zoowärter, die ununterbrochen patrouillieren, und sie wollen nichts sehnlicher, als dich so schnell wie möglich zurück in den Zoo zu bringen! Wer bekommt den Löwenanteil der Beute?
Spielerzahl: 2
Spieldauer: 11 mn
Komplexität: 1 / 5
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Have the most Cookies when no more moves are possible
One player picks a row or column
The other player picks the reverse in order to create an intersection, and this player gains the benefit of the tile
This now starts the row or column for the other player to create an intersection, and that player gains the benefit of the tile
Tiles are flipped facedown when activated so they cannot be activated again
A player cannot pick the same row or column to activate twice in a row
Game End
The game ends when one player is unable to make a valid move
The player with the most Cookies, wins!