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#63201: "Add an option to disable auto power option in R6"
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Currently there's an option to automatically take leech power depending on the VP cost or refuse it all. This is super helpful for speeding up turn based games as for most of the game you almost always want to take power (with the exceptions of certain factions which this option already ignores). The big exception is in Round 6 where a few extra power might not help you score points and won't be helpful in a future round. For example in my experience 2pw for 1VP is useful 99% of the time in R1-5 but only useful ~50% of the time in R6.
I can never remember to turn off auto power in R6 and I've frequently lost VP from automatically taking power when it's not useful in R6. Due to this I've had to stop using the auto power option at all.
Can we add an option to disable auto power in R6 specifically? That way players could setup autopower for most of the game to speed things up without having to remember to turn it off for R6. If the option defaults to off changing it will have no effect on existing setups.• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Google Chrome v100
ck425 • Dieser Vorschlag wurde von den Entwicklern noch nicht untersucht:
20. Apr 2022 12:26 • Based on chat with other plays I think this would be useful for lots of players, not just me, and a big quality of life improvement to the BGA implementation.
I get a chat message on tables atleast once a week saying "btw you know you can automatically take power?" and when I explain other players tell me to just remember and turn it off in R6 as that's what they do. So it seems to be a common issue.
Unfortunately I've ADHD so I need visual reminders/cues, relying on memory just doesn't work. As far as I know there's not a way to set up personal reminders for when a game gets to a certain point.
I get a chat message on tables atleast once a week saying "btw you know you can automatically take power?" and when I explain other players tell me to just remember and turn it off in R6 as that's what they do. So it seems to be a common issue.
Unfortunately I've ADHD so I need visual reminders/cues, relying on memory just doesn't work. As far as I know there's not a way to set up personal reminders for when a game gets to a certain point.
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