In SpellBook besitzt jeder Spieler ein Zauberbuch, wird von einem Vertrauten begleitet und sammelt Materia, um Zaubersprüche zu meistern und seinen Vertrauten damit zu füttern. Das Spiel bietet vorgefertigte Sets aus Zaubersprüchen für die ersten Runden, aber schon bald fangen die Spieler an, Zaubersprüche nach dem Zufallsprinzip zu ziehen oder ihre eigenen Zauberspruchkombinationen zu erstellen, die für alle Spielenden gleich sind. Jede Zauberkombination hat einen Effekt, der für den Rest des Spiels anhält, und je ausgeklügelter die Kombination ist, desto stärker ist der Effekt. Im Laufe der Runden wird das Spiel zu einer immer neuen Erfahrung, da mehr als 2.100 Zauberspruchkombinationen möglich sind. Das Spiel endet, sobald ein Zauberbuch vollständig oder eine Vertrautentafel gefüllt ist, dann gewinnt, wer die meisten Punkte hat.
Spielerzahl: 1 - 4
Spieldauer: 15 mn
Komplexität: 2 / 5
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Learn Spells and gift to your Familiar to gain the most points when the game ends
A turn is split into four phases:
• Morning
• Midday
• Evening
• Altar
Once a player has finished their Day, the next player goes
You have a Pool with a hard limit of 9 Materia which cannot be exceeded at any point
You start the game with Primary Actions for each phase which are always available even when Spells start to be gained
In each phase only a SINGLE action can be taken, regardless of whether it is a Primary Action or a Spell action
If the Pouch ever empties, put all discarded Materia back in, give it a shake, and keep drawing
Take one action from the following:
• A single Spell ability which is able to be used in Morning
• Take 1 Materia from the seen Altar
• Take 2 Materia from the blind Pouch
Take one action from the following:
• A single Spell ability which is able to be used in Midday
• Store 1 Materia from your Pool onto the next space on your Familiar
If a spell allows you to store more Materia than spaces, store all you can then leave the rest where they came from (they are not lost)
Take one action from the following:
• A single Spell ability which is able to be used in Evening
• Learn 1 new spell by spending Materia matching the spell's colour and to the quantity of its price in the bowl next to it, one of the spent Materia will be used as a marker to show you gained it
3 Materia with the same Rune, regardless of colour, can be used as a wild. This can be repeated as much as you wish, but at least 1 Materia spent MUST match the spell colour
Learn a Spell cannot be used to upgrade a spell
If there are less than 5 Materia at the Altar, refill it from the Pouch to contain 5
If there are 5-9 Materia at the Altar, draw 1 Materia from the Pouch and add it to the Altar
If there are 10+ Materia at the Altar, discard them all and draw 5 fresh Materia from the Pouch and add it to the Altar
This then ends that player's turn, it is now the next player's Day
As mentioned, if a spell has a phase, its effects can ONLY be used in that phase
Otherwise, the effects are either ongoing, instant, or end game
Only Phase based Spells can still activate lower level versions of themselves if desired
Game End
The game can end in a number of ways
• If a player learns their 7th Spell
• If a player fills their Familiar board
Either way, finish the final round so everyone has equal turns
Players earn points based on the highest space obtained for each Spell (This may either be a set amount or based on achieving certain criteria)
Players earn the points shown on the next visible Familiar space not covered
The player with the most points, wins! (If tied, the player who learned the most spells wins! If tied, the player with the most Materia still in their Pool wins! If still tied, victory is shared!)