Sobek - Das Duell
In Sobek 2 Spieler sammeln und verkaufen beide Spieler Waren, um die meisten Siegpunkte zu erhalten.
In seinem Zug wählt der Spieler zwischen 3 Möglichkeiten: ein Plättchen vom Markt nehmen, ein Warenset verkaufen oder einen Charakter ausspielen.
Wenn der Spieler ein Plättchen nimmt, wählt er eines auf der Linie der Anch-Figur und nimmt es auf die Hand.
Dann platziere die Anch-Figur auf der Linie, die durch das gerade genommene Plättchen angezeigt wird. Dadurch werden die Wahlmöglichkeiten des Mitspielers eingeschränkt.
Wenn er genug auf der Hand hat, kann ein Spieler ein Set aus mindestens 3 Plättchen derselben Sorte verkaufen.
Diese Plättchen bringen am Ende des Spiels Siegpunkte, abhängig von ihrer Anzahl und der Anzahl der Skarabäen, die sie enthalten.
Ein Spieler kann auch einen Charakter verwenden, um von dessen mächtiger Spezialfähigkeit zu profitieren.
Vorausschauend zu planen und zu analysieren, welche Möglichkeiten du deinem Mitspieler in seinem nächsten Zug bietest, ist der Schlüssel, um die besten Züge zu machen und das Spiel zu gewinnen.
Spielerzahl: 2
Spieldauer: 10 mn
Komplexität: 2 / 5
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Have the most wealth and least corruption by game's end
On a turn, a player can take a tile, activate a character, or sell a set of goods
Take a Tile
For the first turn, the first player takes a tile from the central 4 then orientates the Ankh based on the shaded sides of the tile (which may be diagonal or orthogonal)
Otherwise, a player can only take a tile if it is somewhere in the direction the Ankh currently points, and depending on what tile is taken the Ankh is re-orientated once again
If a player moves the Ankh more than a single space, the spaces passed over have their tiles removed from the board and the player takes these into their personal Corruption pile
If the tile taken has a Deben symbol on it, the player can either keep it as normal or trade it for a Deben taken blind
If the tile taken is a character, and thus has no shaded sides, the player chooses what direction the Ankh now faces, but it must face towards at least 1 tile if possible
If taking a tile causes the Ankh to face no tiles, leave it be, but the next time someone takes this action they will first re-fill the empty spaces then take from the central 4 NOT from that line
If the draw pile is empty at the start of a turn, a player CANNOT take this action even if there are tiles out on the board
Activate a character
Discard a character previously gained to take advantage of its effects
Sell Goods
You can only take this action if you hold at least 3 goods tiles of the same type (or a combo of 3 goods/matching characters/sobeks)
Sobeks are wild and count as any good
You are NOT required to sell if at 3, and equally don't have to sell all if taking the sell action e.g. if you have 5 fish you may only want to sell 4
All sold tiles go into your sold area for later scoring
If you sell the same good on another turn, you MUST still sell 3+ then add it to that goods collection in your sold area
The first time you sell a good, you MUST include 1 of that good, however expansion sellings do not have to include that good e.g. on sale 1, a player sells 3 fish, on sale 2 a player sells 1 character and 2 Sobek (wild)
Game End
The game ends as soon as one player cannot take any of the actions
The other player discards unplayed goods tiles
The players add up their corruption points, the player with the least corruption gains 1 Deben +1 Deben for every 3 corruption less than their opponent e.g. a corruption score of 6 and 9 the 6 player gains 2 Deben
Each goods type scores each player tiles multipled by scarab symbols in that set, e.g. a set of 3 tiles with 2 scarabs is worth 6 whilst a set of 5 tiles with 0 scarabs is worth nothing
Debens are now revealed and thier points added
The player with the most points wins! (lowest corruption breaks ties)