Rolled West
Steck deine Claims ab, gründe ein Bergbau-Imperium und sei deiner Konkurrenz immer einen Schritt voraus!
In jeder Runde von Rolled West wirst du dem Land basierend auf den Würfelergebnissen Ressourcen abringen. Setze Holz ein und gründe Siedlungen, um die Mehrheit in verschiedenen Geländetypen zu sichern. Verwende Metalle um Verträge zu erfüllen, Verkäufe zu tätigen oder in den Ausbau von Boomtown zu investieren. Lagere Ressourcen im Spielzug deiner Gegner ein, um sie später zu nutzen. Alle deine Entscheidungen werden auf deinem eigenen Punkteblatt eingetragen.
Wirst du nach der 6ten Runde triumphieren?
Spielerzahl: 2 - 4
Spieldauer: 8 mn
Komplexität: 1 / 5
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Resources are first spent from the rolled resources then the banked resources.
The dice are 12 sided with 4 copper, 3 wood, 3 silver, and 2 gold.
Boomtown - (Top Left) - 3x3 grid of special bonus. Use only once per turn.
Shipping - (Top Right) - Bonus for the 3rd and final 5th spot. The higher (top) bonus is available only to the player that first reaches this place. The lower bonus goes to all other players reaching this point.
Contracts - (Middle Row) - Spend various copper, silver, gold. 5 Gold for 15 points being the highest. All contracts are unique so only can be claimed by 1 player in the whole game.
Claims - (Bottom) - Spend 1-2 wood to make camp/settlement. After you choose the terrain. 1 wood (camp), 2 wood (settlement). The far right of this track show bonus for coming 1st (top) and 2nd (bottom). Numbers on the track denote an immediate score.
Roll 4 dice.
Choose Terrain: Select 1 dice as the terrain for a possible advancement on the 'Claims' track using additional wood. 1 Extra wood (camp), 2 Extra wood (settlement).
Main Phase where you can use your dice and any previously banked resources.
-- You may bank at most 1 dice in this phase to add to your banked resources.
- You get to bank 1 of the dice to add to your banked resources. Either copy a dice from the player to your left, or from your right, but just 1 dice total per round. There is an automated UI feature for this, if you prefer to automatically make this decision.