Begib dich auf eine Reise durch die Zeit, um Unsterblichkeit zu erlangen! In diesem spannenden Deckbuilding-Spiel wirst du zum Zeitreisenden auf der Suche nach dem rätselhaften Eternitium, einem kostbaren Kristall, der ewiges Leben bringt und in einem fernen Zeitalter versteckt ist. Stell deinen Einfallsreichtum und deine clevere Taktik unter Beweis, um deine Rivalen in diesem fesselnden zeitlichen Wettlauf zu überflügeln.
Deine Suche nach der Ewigkeit beginnt jetzt!
Nutze die verschiedenen Portale, die du erschaffen kannst, um nach dem Kristall zu suchen. Ein verrückter Wettlauf zwischen den verschiedenen Zeitreisenden beginnt. Nutze Technologie, um den Kristall schneller zu finden, Informationen zu sammeln oder andere Spieler aufzuhalten! Es gibt keine Grenzen, nur eines ist wichtig: als Erste(r) den Eternitium-Kristall in die Hände zu bekommen!
Nacheinander spielen die Spieler Technologiekarten aus, um so viele Zeitalterkarten wie möglich abzuwerfen.
Die Spieler können auf dem Markt mächtigere Technologien erwerben. Sei vorsichtig: Wenn du sie baust, verlierst du Zeit, indem du Zeitalterkarten hinzufügst. Diese Technologien helfen dir, produktivere Züge zu machen oder deinen Mitspielern Hindernisse in den Weg zu legen.
Wer zuerst alle seine Zeitalterkarten abwirft und den Kristall findet, gewinnt das Spiel.
Spielerzahl: 2 - 5
Spieldauer: 17 mn
Komplexität: 2 / 5
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Be the first to remove all the cards in your Era deck, but be aware that cards can be added to it during the game
To start, each player in turn order takes a basic card, either one of the visible ones or blind from the deck
If a player takes a visible card, draw a replacement
First, take a Portal card unless there are no more remaining
Then play as many cards as you wish one at a time, before discarding the remainder of your hand
• If you play an action card, carry out its effect
• If you play a Portal card you may discard the next Era card in your stack if the symbols match. If your next Era card is facedown, you can still play a Portal and take a risk of whether it matches or not. If you turn out to be wrong, shuffle your Era deck, then end the playing cards step and for the refill step, you will only draw 4 cards. If you only had 1 Era card remaining and guess incorrectly, you also gain a new Era card.
If you choose to not play any cards on your turn, you may instead pick any number of cards in your current hand to permanently remove, and can keep 1 card for the next round, then during the refill step you draw to 6 cards (However, you cannot remove cards if this would reduce your total cards in hand/deck/discard to below 6)
Regardless of what you do on your play phase, after discarding the remainder of your hand, you can acquire a Basic or an Advanced technology, either the face up ones or the first facedown one of the relevant deck. In addition, you gain 1 Era card of the two visible if you took a Basic, or both Era cards of the 2 visible if you took an Advanced. You are never required to take a new technology in this phase, it is optional
After you have decided whether or not to take a new Technology, draw up to 5 hand cards, (or 4 or 6 as per the previous situations)
Game End
The end is triggered when a player discards all their Era cards, then let the round play out in full, if they are the only one to get rid of their Eras then they win!
If multiple players get rid of all their Era cards in this final round, then Basic cards held are worth 1VP and Advanced cards are worth 2VP, the player with no Era cards and the most points wins!
If still tied, the player with the most Advanced cards wins!