A 10 K Q J 9 11 10 4 3 2 0
Meld list
A card can be used only once for each meld type A new meld must include at least 1 unrevealed card in hand
Name Beschreibung Wertung
Run A-10-K-Q-J in trumps 150
Royal marriage King and Queen of trumps 40
Hochzeit King and Queen of a same non-trump suit 20
Dix 9 of trumps
Exchanged for the face-up trump 10
Pinochle ♠Q + ♦J 40
Double Pinochle 2 Pinochle sets 300
Aces around Four Aces of different suits 100
Kings around Four Kings of different suits 80
Queens around Four Queens of different suits 60
Jacks around Four Jacks of different suits 40
Letzter Stich Win the last trick 10