#90192: "Wrong cards shown "
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When cards were being dealt out to players as they decided to bid for them or pass, the card numbers were incorrect. There were also incorrect property cards shown in the second round too. This unfortunately affected my game on this occasion, and in my other game played just before (#384154323)• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Safari v16.5
F5 did not solved the problem
Every time I added a card say the most recent one, I added 14 card to be sold, it goes into the properties for sale, however it displays as a 29.
When i do the replay it fixes it back to a 14 and never actually plays as a 29.
I believe this happened every time I had to wait for others to play.
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- Eine weitere Tisch-ID/Zug-ID
- Konnte F5 das Problem lösen?
- Trat das Problem öfter auf? Jedes Mal? Zufällig?
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