#2146: "Game log is too short"
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When I replay last turns, I can see a game log which is long enough to be useful. If I do not use the replay feature, there is only a few log entries, so I am forced to use the replay feature, which is slow and verbose (I see all moves and move cancels).
It would also be nice to highlight board when a game log is hovered for more log type. There is an highlight when summoning a card, which is great.
Well, this is more a improvement request than a bug report, I do not see another place to do it :)• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Mozilla v5
Ergänze diese Meldung
- Eine weitere Tisch-ID/Zug-ID
- Konnte F5 das Problem lösen?
- Trat das Problem öfter auf? Jedes Mal? Zufällig?
- Falls du einen Screenshot dieses Fehlers hast (optimale Vorgehensweise), kannst du ihn bei Imgur.com hochladen, den Link kopieren und hier einfügen.