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#16571: "Option to report other players for malicious behavior(wasting time, kingmaking) before the game ends"
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Vorschlag: meiner Meinung nach würde das Folgende die Umsetzung des Spiels erheblich verbessern
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Just spent half an hour in a game that could've ended in 5-10 minutes. The others were together in a discord channel laughing about how they were leading me (a first time player) around. They were one field away from the winning edge and decided to run around 'in circles' just to make me walk 3-4 times the distance before making one of them win... I couldn't leave because I didn't want to lose karma.• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Mozilla v5
SuperPranx • Dieser Vorschlag wurde von den Entwicklern noch nicht untersucht:
1. Mai 2020 21:59 •
SuperPranx • Dieser Vorschlag wurde von den Entwicklern noch nicht untersucht:
1. Mai 2020 22:38 • Forgot to write my suggestion, lol. I was expected in a tournament, sorry.
The suggestion is to allow any player to report malicious behavior and leave the game. The game would be reviewed afterwards and the offenders would be somehow punished.
Since this is a bit difficult to do with non-subscriber players, I would also suggest to add a filtering option in the profile settings to let you define that you would only like to play with subscribers. I believe the money barrier wouldn't let subscribed players behave in such a disrespectful manner. Or at least they will probably think twice before trolling or doing something similar to what I experienced.
The suggestion is to allow any player to report malicious behavior and leave the game. The game would be reviewed afterwards and the offenders would be somehow punished.
Since this is a bit difficult to do with non-subscriber players, I would also suggest to add a filtering option in the profile settings to let you define that you would only like to play with subscribers. I believe the money barrier wouldn't let subscribed players behave in such a disrespectful manner. Or at least they will probably think twice before trolling or doing something similar to what I experienced.
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