#161905: "Did not score Area Points"
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Detaillierte Beschreibung
• Welcher Teil der Spielregel wurde durch die BGA-Adaption nicht beachtet?
I didn't get any points if I was in complete possession of an area with the necessary three or two (for the river) tiles. My opponent, on the other hand, got the points in English every time... It happens very often during my games and even my opponents could not explain it to me, why I did not score...• Ist der Regelverstoß in der Spielwiederholung zu sehen? Falls ja, bei welcher Zugnummer?
Move 45 (Did not score three points for the area infront of the red home base); Move 87 (did not score the points for the right river).• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Google Chrome v133
Here's a screenshot of your move 45: ibb.co/yn0yM1fv
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