#153426: "I could not choose my wild card to play over the bid "
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I did not get a play button option when I choose the card with a water icon and then choose the rank. At this point I was only able to restart.
I couldn't include it in my run to start the bid, or after when the bid was a single card.• Was versuchst du, um diese Spielaktion auszulösen?
Selected the card
Selected a rank
Choose confirm• Was passiert, wenn du dies versuchst (Fehlermeldung, Statusmeldung des Spiels, ...)?
It wouldn't give me an option to play or confirm, only to restart• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Google Chrome v131
I selected the ten, chose 2
at this point it would not let me play the card. No option came up to confirm my choice. It only let me restart.
At that point I chose my natural 2 to continue the trick, but I should have been able to use the ten water as a 2
Thank you.
This happens in many cases with the water symbol if you try to change it to a different rank you can not play the bid
this combo is never valid
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