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Survive The Island Meldungen
#153124: ""You may reset or end action phase," but there is no reset/undo button"
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Die Spieloberfläche erlaubte mir eine Spielaktion nicht, die laut Regel aber möglich ist
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• Welche Spielaktion wolltest du durchführen?
On turn #250, I meant to move a raft, but I accidentally moved one of my adventurers off of the raft and into the water. Since this was not what I intended to do, I wanted to undo one (or all) of my actions for the turn.• Was versuchst du, um diese Spielaktion auszulösen?
The banner at the top of the game interface said, "Action phase: You may reset or end action phase." But there was no reset/undo button. The only button was "End Action phase."• Was passiert, wenn du dies versuchst (Fehlermeldung, Statusmeldung des Spiels, ...)?
I was not able to reset/undo.• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Google Chrome v131
nibblenoevil • Der Fehler wurde von den Entwicklern noch nicht nachvollzogen:
14. Jan 2025 3:17 • screenshot:
Spinier Virus • Der Fehler wurde von den Entwicklern noch nicht nachvollzogen:
22. Jan 2025 6:10 • I had a similar situation involving a Dolphin token after putting an adventurer into the water. I moved my adventurer from a raft into the water, then tried to play a Dolphin to move him onto the shore. Unfortunately, I clicked on the wrong space for the Dolphin movement, at which point I could not undo/reset.
Table # 618943258
Move # 308
Player SpinerVirus (red) unable to Reset turn to undo bad Dolphin movement click. The UI text said "Action phase: You may reset or end action phase", but the only button present was to "End Action phase".
Table # 618943258
Move # 308
Player SpinerVirus (red) unable to Reset turn to undo bad Dolphin movement click. The UI text said "Action phase: You may reset or end action phase", but the only button present was to "End Action phase".
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- Eine weitere Tisch-ID/Zug-ID
- Konnte F5 das Problem lösen?
- Trat das Problem öfter auf? Jedes Mal? Zufällig?
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