#123477: "Language warning befor starting a game"
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• An welcher Stelle im Spiel ist das Problem aufgetreten? Was war die aktuelle Spielanweisung?
Many times, when i started a table in german, when the game starts a player said sorry because they have not realized, that the game was in german language. This happens very often and german players are rare. that means sometimes that i have to wait a few more days, befor i can play the game again and when it happens again it can get very frustrating.
I think it would be great to create a popup for players that want to join a game. A popup that says: "This game is in (language). Do you want to continue?"• Was passiert, wenn du die Spielaktion ausführen möchtest (Fehlermeldung, Statusmeldung des Spiels, ...)?
• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Google Chrome v124
(A similar problem happens for me with Decrypto, but in reverse. Sometimes I join a game expecting English, there's no indication in the main lobby that the game is in another language, and yet it's not in English once the game starts.)
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