#121847: "Face down pile displays a yellow 4 card"
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The left-most deck of cards/tiles appears as if it has a face-up 4 yellow but it is in fact face down. This happened half-way through the game. When you click on it it flips another card that you can see for a quick second but then the yellow 4 appears on top. When you place the tile it places the correct tile, not the yellow 4 but it is confusing.• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Mozilla v5
F5 has no effect, and the issue persists across browser sessions, both desktop and android app show the yellow 4.
arena game: 14/flowers?table=522203450
first time in 200+ games I've seen this
Screenshot: imgur.com/a/cTYXKF2
Table: boardgamearena.com/14/flowers?table=575097090
F5 did not solve the problem.
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- Eine weitere Tisch-ID/Zug-ID
- Konnte F5 das Problem lösen?
- Trat das Problem öfter auf? Jedes Mal? Zufällig?
- Falls du einen Screenshot dieses Fehlers hast (optimale Vorgehensweise), kannst du ihn bei Imgur.com hochladen, den Link kopieren und hier einfügen.