#116192: "Using 2 shapes as "wild" but couldn't select tile I wanted"
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I used 2 triangles as a wild, so I could select any tile. I clicked on the tile I wanted to take stones, repeatedly, and it would not let me select that tile. So I clicked another tile to see if it would let me take that one, and it did, but it was not the one I wanted, and I couldn't undo. I can't see any reason why it wouldn't let me select the tile I initially chose.• Was versuchst du, um diese Spielaktion auszulösen?
Used 2 triangles as a wild to select any river tile.• Was passiert, wenn du dies versuchst (Fehlermeldung, Statusmeldung des Spiels, ...)?
Can't remember exact error message, but it simply would not let me select the tile I wanted.• Welchen Browser benutzt du?
Google Chrome v121
I did try refreshing and this did not help.
1. select 2 of the same shape from my hand
2. select the river tile that I wanted to take the glass pieces from
3. click the button to confirm
4. there's a message prompt that reports an error (I can't remember the exact text but it wasn't descriptive enough for me to figure out what I did wrong)
Here's what worked (and does seem to match the instruction book, however, it isn't obvious from the game on BGA). I can't recall if the tutorial was specific about this, but it's definitely not intuitive:
1. select 2 pieces from your hand that are the same shape
2. FIRST select the river tile you want to place your tiles onto (I think this highlights the tile black)
3. NEXT select the river tile on either side of the previous one to take the glass you want (I think the highlight for this one is red)
4. confirm your turn with the confirm button
It's confusing because you need to select where you want to put them first and then the tile with the glass you want to take. I assumed I selected the tile you want the glass pieces from and then confirm and then there would be another step to choose where to place the tiles you're giving up from your hand. It totally makes sense that it's the opposite in the actual game, but just wanted to note that it's not clear in the interface and that they "error" message that pops up isn't clear. It could be more descriptive like, "first select the tile you wish to place the glass from your hand (it will highlight black), then select the tile you wish to take the glass from (it will highlight red)."
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- Eine weitere Tisch-ID/Zug-ID
- Konnte F5 das Problem lösen?
- Trat das Problem öfter auf? Jedes Mal? Zufällig?
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