This game, similar to Whist, is mostly played in Minnesota and South Dakota and was brought there by settlers from Norway. It is extremely similar to a Scandinavian game, often listed in English language card game books under the name Norwegian Whist.
There are four players in two fixed partnerships. Using a standard 52 card pack and no trumps.
High / Low Bids
Each hand is played either "high" or "low". If it is played "high", the partnership that takes at least 7 of the 13 tricks scores points. If it is played "low", a partnership must take 6 or fewer tricks to avoid losing points.
With High bid, when all 13 tricks have been played, the side which won more tricks scores 1 point for each trick they won in excess of 6. While with low bid, the side which won more tricks loses 1 point for each trick they have in excess of 6.
End of the Game
The partnership which first reaches 13 points wins the game. This takes several deals.
South Dakota Whist
This version has different scoring than Minnesota Whist. If players win fewer than 7 tricks while bidding high, they lose 1 point for each trick below 7. The other team does not score. If everyone bid low, the team that takes 7 or more tricks loses one point for each trick in excess of 6. The game is played to 11 points rather than 13.