How to Play:
A Judge chooses a question from the ones listed on the card.
All other players write down the answer they think the Judge will choose. Any repeat answers must be changed. (The first to submit gets to keep their answer.)
Once all answers are submitted and revealed, the Judge secretly chooses their favorite. All other players place their 2 bid tokens on the answers they favor. These bids can be on the same or different answers.
Once all bids and Judge choice are locked, the Judge's answer is revealed.
Points are scored as follows: - the Player who wrote the answer gets 1 pount - players who put bids tokens on the correct answer get 1 point per token - the Judge gets 1 point per bid tokem on their answer, max 3
The next Judge will be the player clockwise or to the left of the current Judge.
Game ends once everyone has read 2 questions.
Any tying players in first place collectively win.